Index-2: Quantification of the antigen density activation threshold for targeted immunotherapeutics

Explore our research poster as we analyse the data from our new cell line development platform, IndEx-2.

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September 15, 2023


3 min read

The research and time that has been put into our IndEx-2 platform has led to the development of a highly efficient inducible cell line development tool, packed with unique features and transformative capabilities.

This advanced inducible cell line model will accelerate the drug discovery process, through facilitating the determination of precise antigen density activation thresholds of targeted candidate immunotherapies early in the drug discovery phase. So now we are proud to present our research poster showing all the data you need to see how IndEx-2 works. 

Current approaches and IndEx-2

Approaches currently in use analyse and understand the impact of antigen density on therapeutic therapies rely on cell lines with varying levels. This can lead to slower research, which takes longer to deliver results. 

IndEx-2, our in vitro cell-based platform allows the expression of one, or two, target antigens over a range of biologically relevant levels, facilitating the determination of the precise antigen density activation thresholds of targeted candidate immunotherapies.

The data from across our research poster on IndEx-2 features key information, detailing the capabilities and actions that can be performed using this rapidly customisable and multi-purpose cell line development tool. 

Significance of target antigen density

The multi-specific nature of bispecific antibody-based oncology therapeutics introduces many different layers of added complexity when looking to demonstrate appropriate levels of safety and efficacy. 

There is currently a shortage of in vitro systems available to overcome this hurdle. Through our latest cell line development platform, IndEx-2, we have effectively demonstrated the overall integration capabilities and options to use this platform across multiple different types of assay formats.

Understanding IndEx-2 and its capabilities

To learn more about all the capabilities and applications of our fully inducible cell line development platform, speak to one of our scientists. Our experts can provide more details and information about the science behind IndEx-2, as well as the difference it can make when integrated with immune-oncology primary cell assays to provide a complete picture of a targeted drug candidate’s mechanism of action and safety profile. 

If you would like to discuss the capabilities of IndEx-2, arrange a meeting with one of our experts here:

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Discover our IndEx-2 system

Our rapidly customisable in vitro cell line platform can be used to determine antigen density activation thresholds of targeted candidate immunotherapies. IndEx-2 can be easily integrated with immune-oncology primary cell assays, so it can provide a complete picture of a targeted drug candidate’s mechanism of action and safety profile.

Access the research poster for real data
RoukenBio IndEx-2 Quantification of the antigen density activation threshold for targeted immunotherapeutics.pngcta-image