Dr. Agapitos Patakas

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Agapitos Patakas.jpg
PhD in Immunology/Rheumatology
University of Glasgow
T cells, CAR-T cells, CLD
Chief Scientific Officer

Our CSO Agapitos joined RoukenBio in 2018. He originally trained as a pharmacist, followed by an MSc in Immuno-Pharmacology & MPhil in Pharmacology (Uni of Strathclyde) and a PhD in Immunology/Rheumatology (Uni of Glasgow). As a post-doctoral researcher in the Institute of Infection, Immunity & Inflammation he specialised in the role of T cells in inflammatory arthritis and published several papers on the subject. 


In 2015, he moved to industry focusing on the development of T cell therapies against cancer. There he led process and product development activities, established CAR-T programs and had a critical role in securing several millions of non-dilutive funding. 

Agapitos then joined RoukenBio, where he established the translational immunology business unit, leading the development of several bespoke immunology assays such as our T cell exhaustion, T-cell mediated cytotoxicity assays etc., significantly expanding the company’s service portfolio. 

In 2020, Agi became CSO and now strategically leads all R&D and new service development. He is co-inventor in several patents in the field of T cell therapies and cell line development.

